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September is going to be a month of revival at New Life Christian Center! We will be having morning and evening services each Sunday morning. Wednesday evenings will be a break from our normal Bible study for Revival services! We have a great line-up of powerful speakers and special guests throughout the month!

Kicking off our Revival on September 1st will be Pastor Blake & Pastor Todd, joined by our special guests, the Southpoint Drama team, in our evening service.

On Sunday, September 8th, TCT TV host Judge Brown will join us in our Sunday services to bring the word. Judge and Lori have ministered throughout Southern Illinois churches, ranging from youth services to revivals. Judge used to speak at the Equality Christian School for chapel services as well.

On Sunday, September 15th, Bishop Dan Hampton will minister in our Sunday Services. Bishop Hampton and his wife Ruth have led churches and been a "Pastor to the Pastors" all over the US. Bishop Hampton has proven himself a faithful servant and a dynamic preacher of the word! You will be blessed by his ministry of the word!

Pastor Brandon Nelson will be our guest speaker on September 22nd. Brandon grew up a PK (Pastors Kid) and pastored a growing church in the Chicago area for many years. Currently, he is a staff pastor at Twin Rivers Church, one of the largest churches in the St. Louis area.

As for Wednesday nights, get ready because we are expecting supernatural Wednesday night services!

Prepare your heart, invite someone, and let's get ready for REVIVAL!